Intuitive Witness
Julianna Holden MohlerIntuitive Witness Readings
Readings – $3/minute, $2.00/minute followups within 3 months
Most readings take approximately 1 hour unless you specify a budget for 15 minutes or longer
What is an Intuitive Witness Reading?
Whether near or far, we are connected. I’m able to witness what your energy patterns and life situations reveal. For me, is the ability to “see” energy patterns, both physical and non-physical, from an accumulation of impressions one has recorded from memories and experiences. I prefer to call the art simply “Intuitive Witness” or “Energy Reading.” Some people have called them medical intuitive readings. I don’t use someone else’s terminology, especially because we are not limited to a physical body.
I happen to be able to see with a type of vision, not with the eyes, but the same “eyes” we all use while in a dreaming sleep. Just as we each see scenes while dreaming, I’m able to do this by consciously directing my “dreamtime vision” on a physical body (or animal, place, time period, or inanimate object) while my eyes are closed.
Memories are imprinted with our non-physical body, the energy field in and around us. Our actions are recorded in some way. It is like reading a book of images that the imprint of your life has recorded.
Benefits of a Reading
Why might someone want an intuitive witness reading? Here is a list of things that have helped people:
Unlock mysteries of what contributes to one’s own ill health
Suggestions on natural, easily obtained sources or procedures to help with health issues
Discover how life events (pre and post birth) may have contributed towards loss of health
Discover and release energy patterns taken on from family members (out of a sense of love or rescue)
Direction in life that might benefit you most
Re-opening of energy pathways that have been shut down due to trauma or painful memories
What Happens in an Intuitive Witness Reading?
I close my eyes and go into a conscious hypnotic trance. Scientifically speaking, I slow down my brain wave patterns. When people are in a conscious state, they are typically in a Beta brainwave pattern. When meditating or entering hypnosis, people enter Alpha, Theta and Delta brainwave states progressively. These brainwave states help enable me to receive impressions. I begin by dreamtime visually scanning a person, animal or thing while my eyes are closed. I explain all the things I see – emotional, physical, or impressions that come to me. I also hear things (known as clairaudient), sometimes words I’m not familiar with.
I don’t profess to be 100% accurate. It’s my belief that the more earnest and sincere a person is in receiving information, the more the channels are easy to read. Sometimes if someone is already adequately addressing an issue, the issue may not even come up in a reading unless asked. Sometimes current knowledge is confirmed. I also encourage clients to continue their current medical care or consult with their healthcare providers about any suggestions given.
It is up to each individual to decide if they want to follow suggestions given or not. I don’t consider myself a replacement for medical or other care.
I’m not able to direct what I see or hear. Whatever is most needed at the time is what’s expressed. Questions may be asked at any point, but I request unrelated questions be asked when I express I’m ready for questions.
As an indirect result of my scanning energy, it tends to clear energy blockages and restore pathways that have been blocked. There is sometimes emotional release that goes along with this. I find that improvement obtained in energy readings “holds” when suggestions given are followed. Sessions are equally energizing to me, and always fascinating.
Understand that in a one hour session, it is not possible to be 100% thorough with every issue a person may have. Nor is everyone ready to want to know information beyond the immediate.
Most of the time, it’s taken many years or even lifetimes of family genetics and lineage to get where we are today in our health and wellbeing. I don’t make claim to solving all problems in one session, nor being all-seeing and all-knowing in every regard. Even more important, I don’t “fix” people – if healing takes place, it’s from a universal source that is tapped because of one’s own desire to heal.
Witness Reading Policies
I take energy readings very seriously and give the highest integrity and privacy to a reading and my relationship with you. I don’t consider them a form of entertainment or amusement (although they are always very interesting!). For these reasons, I don’t scan other people without their expressed consent and knowledge, but I can sometimes see things that can help you gain perspective.
It is also my policy not to accept clients that have been given a “gift” of an energy reading. The desire needs to come from the individual, otherwise they tend not to take a session as seriously as if they had decided to obtain one on their own. Consequently, it may be a waste of the gift giver’s money. Individual exceptions may be made depending on the circumstances (such as someone in a coma or serious income issues).
Under no circumstances would I tune into another person during a reading for the purpose of obtaining information about that other person for the purpose of surveillance.
Witness readings can be done in person or long distance by telephone.
Testimonials (former bodywork)
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